Thursday, March 19, 2009

After months of deliberation, we have finally arrived at the new business identity...

Tell what you think!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Perhaps, I am anxious for winter to have completed its cycle. But, I am certainly making mental progress with respect to early season projects. In this photo, you will obviously make note of the apparent weed dominance. The 'white birch' hardwoods should be the primary focus in this garden landscape; however, neglect (and weed seed dominance) has consumed the soils. We intend to begin this project in early to mid May ~ so stay tuned. I will attempt to renovate the garden by performing selective pruning maintenance on the 'birch'; eliminating and/or controlling the weed seed; edging; driveway repair. Also, I will work with the client to decide on plant selection for this site.