Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The holy grail of the bicycle world ~ this site features a rather boring landscape install, with very little if any visual appeal. I am comfortable being critical of this work simply because I was the original installer. At the time, I was asked to offer a very basic turf and garden delineation, and planting plan. We agreed upon both the aesthetic, and as well as the functional aspects; but most importantly, the financial details. At this time however, the 'boys at the bike shop' want an upgrade. I had the priviledge to meet with the bike shop owner, as well as an 'energy consultant', or perhaps better know as a 'feng shui' advisor. Each of us agreed that we had to make some changes... Proposed changes include: a larger garden area; native shrub and herbaceous perennial installs; adirondack river rock for the drip edge; rustic folk art bicycle riding kokopelli; and an eye~catching turf appeal. Stay tuned. Thanks for spending your money Steffen.

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